Friday, December 7, 2012

Follow the Light

Follow the Light

            My Christmas season started in October this year. I didn’t know it at the time. That day, October 20, I was just shocked and saddened by the loss of a young friend who died unexpectedly.
            About two weeks later, I awoke to hear the results of our nation’s election. I do not wish to be political here, but I was devastated. Not because I have hope in any man’s ability to lead our nation, but I felt that these results signaled the end of the greatness of my country and of my blessed way of life here. This, too, was an unrecognized part of my Christmas celebration this year.
            Early November also brought my birthday, and I was still mourning for my country and my friend’s family when an unexpected ray of light came into my day. Reminding me where my hope and foundation lie, my husband gave me a gorgeous, illustrated copy of the gospels. .  The breath-taking beauty of this gift helped me as I refocused my eyes on my Savior.
            During the rest of November, two other significant things added their hidden meaning. First, to my additional distress, I heard of a rash of local suicides and other demonstrations of sorrow and hopelessness. Second, I was a tester of a new product – acrylic paints and mediums – and was required to paint daily. (Such a blessing!) I worked on a painting that was taking shape so nicely – I was loving it!
            Finally, in mid-November, I began to recognize what has become a predominant theme in my thinking during this season. I began to recognize the tremendous hopelessness, darkness, and despair in this world as the dark backdrop against which the tiny Baby, the ray of pure, hopeful light, entered our planet’s routine. I knew these words before – all my life I have sung the carols and read the Gospel representation of HIS coming. But this year, I feel it. The enormity, the burden, the blackness of the never-ending cycle of daily life. The desperate realization that things will never REALLY be better. THIS, my friends, is why the KING of the Universe wrapped Himself in our tiny, ordinary flesh. To rescue us from our sin and our despair. To give us hope and assurance of final victory.

            In response to this insight, there have already been two opportunities for me to respond and celebrate HIS coming. Last week, we as a worship team at our church arranged our part of the service to express the melancholy, dark, unsettling backdrop of sin, followed by the victory of Christ’s coming, death, and resurrection on our behalf. It was a new and intriguing way to arrange Christmas music, and was illuminating to me and expressed my sense of awe and worship to my KING.
                        And my painting that I was working on. I love the way it has turned out, (and I hope to do a series based on this one). There is hope and light against a dark background, a representation of the cross, and one of the manger which held the Light of the World on that holy night.
            More than anything, I want to follow that ONE Who came to rescue me. I want to follow the Light.

Coram Deo,

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Gift of Rain

Today I celebrate being married to Bruce for 26 years. I don’t call him my best friend… way too weak an expression. He is nothing like my ‘friend’, except in the same way that GOD invites me to be HIS friend. Bruce is so much a part of me, and I of him. We are each others’ home. The safest place on this side of eternity. I trust him and count on him unquestioningly, and really consider him to be the best man in the world – not even kidding. He can figure anything out, fix anything (almost) and little children (and our children) love him. He is, in my eyes, the handsomest man on the planet. (With our son running a close second.) Seeing Bruce enter a room changes the whole place for me. What a gift he is, and has been!

Today, my loving HEAVENLY FATHER has sent rain after months of severe drought. This is twice in my life that HE has broken a drought on a significant day of my life. And it is beautiful!

In 1988, we had been living in a horrible drought in Minnesota. Friends had lost their crops (of course), their livestock, their wells, and their farms. It was hot and dusty all the time, and we were ‘building’ our house – the one we bought for $1 and moved to a new place. And I was pregnant. August 7, 1988 Brigham Grant Stichter was born; ‘born to Jesus’, as I have since heard it said. He died during the birthing process with the cord around his neck. It was a terrible capstone to that summer. The evening of his outdoor funeral, we saw amazingly beautiful thunderheads building, and that night, it began to rain, and rain, and rain. We saw it as GOD’s tears as HE shared our sorrow.

Rainy days are by far my favorite days! (With the possible exception being in the middle of Indiana’s long, gray winters…) So I am so delighted with my loving HEAVENLY FATHER’s gift to me today. With BOTH of His gifts!

Coram Deo,

Thursday, January 12, 2012

How is it that each new “Love” in my life makes me love the old Loves more? There can only be one explanation. It can only be the Good One... my Lover and Creator...

It was the day before my scheduled C-section. September 20, 1992. I was preparing to leave my precious son, Jake, with Grandma and Grandpa to travel to the high-risk clinic and hospital which would end the most recent prescribed period of bed rest. As I held and played with and prayed over the squirming and chattering 18 month old delight of my life, I wondered (and worried) how I could EVER love anyone as much. I knew – I just knew – it was impossible. My heart was as full as it could get.

As many of you know, we lost our first three children at birth through three different, unrelated situations. Our first son was born just over two years into our marriage, and in each of the next two years we lost another baby. Starting in 1982, I had left home, made new college friends, met and married my One and Only, and had three children taken, and one spared. My heart had stretched and broken and snapped. Yet, in spite of the tattered shell, it was full. Completely full!

On September 21, through the pain and rigor of surgery, our daughter, Brittany came into our lives. She was beautiful. She held my heart in her little fist. How could this be? As every parent knows, there is no way to describe the love that takes over every part of life at the birth of your child. And this was certainly no exception. My Heavenly Father, the Great Lover of my soul, had exploded my old heart, and now I had a new, full heart. Again. Again.

In my quiet time with God the last few days, I have been looking for opportunities to “see His face”. The One I have seen has been beautiful, and surprising! Although I know He is All Powerful, the Creator of the entire universe, the Dread Champion, and my Master, the descriptions I am finding are of a kind, tender, providing Lover. He answers me (Ps. 17:6), shows lovingkindness, keeps me, and hides me (Ps. 17:7-8), rescues and DELIGHTS in me (Ps. 18:11), is kind, blameless, pure, astute, and GENTLE (Ps. 18:25, 35). It goes on and on... never a harsh or critical characteristic. And He makes me glorious, splendid and majestic. ME! And, as it turns out, He expands my heart to be more like His own Great Heart.

Coram Deo,

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dancing Lessons

Sometimes a whole day passes without any words coming out of my mouth – at least from 7:30 in the morning until 3:30 in the afternoon – and that suits me well. This solitude and time with my Heavenly Father is a rich treasure to me. Today, though, I have said one word out loud. “Dancing.”

The woods beckoned me and I put on my boots and ventured out to walk with my Love, my Master, God Almighty. Oh, how can I even express the privilege and satisfaction of spending time with Him!? This morning is brisk and breezy and bright, and I reveled in the delight of nature in His presence.

“What do you have for me today, Father?” I prayed silently as I walked on crunchy, colorful paths. I noticed that where the trees were bare, now grass was growing in the black soil. Is this it? New life is springing up where the light is now penetrating... The crackling leaves were brown, green, yellow and red – so beautiful! Normally, I am not at all fond of the color red, but today it was gorgeous...

Then the sight of leaves twirling down from above me caught my eye. Don’t you love watching them falling gracefully to the ground? I thought about how on a walk last week, I saw leaves as big as my head coming down from a huge sycamore tree, and how they spun through the air.

Put your hands out, palms up, fingers slightly curved. I hold my hands that way to indicate petition, offering, thankfulness, praise. That’s how the leaves come out of the trees, and they float to the ground. As I walked, I held out my hands like the leaves, and knew what He wanted me to think about.

The leaves, like my outstretched hands, are curved toward Heaven as they descend. They have let go gracefully and are whirling down on His breath, cupped to receive from Him. I asked myself how they come down...


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

If what we create, write, dance or sing can open up such a place in time through which God may speak, imagine the possibilities! Painting might become a window through which a confused world looks and sees the sane order of God’s creation.
p. 17 Scribbling in the Sand by Michael Card